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Find the clinically proven ED treatment that suits you best.
You’ll be assessed by our UK-based clinicians via a simple consultation.
Your medication will be delivered swiftly in unmarked packaging. Repeat prescriptions keep you topped up, and you can switch any time if you wish to try alternative treatments.
We’re with you throughout your journey. You can access your medical team whenever you need to, via phone and email.
Erectile dysfunction is a very common condition that affects millions of men, at any stage of life.
It’s a medical term that means you’re not satisfied with your erections when it comes to sex.
The causes are complex and may be physiological, psychological, or both. An assessment from a healthcare professional can help you get to the root of the condition.
Medication can be a first line of treatment and, if appropriate, you can select a tailored plan to suit your needs. We can also provide diagnostics that help you understand your health better, and connect you with one of our specialist doctors who are at hand for further guidance and support.
Stimulation increases blood flow
Restricted blood flow inhibits an erection
Medication promotes a firmer erection
Answer a few simple questions to get the treatment you need.
Prices from:£1.96 / tablet