
3 minute read

Testosterone replacement therapy: Tim’s story

By Joe Young | Medically reviewed by Dr Luke Pratsides

After struggling with chronic fatigue and loss of libido, Tim, 47, knew something was up. He suspected low testosterone, which was confirmed after a private blood test. We caught up with him to see how testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has rekindled his zest for life. 

What were the initial symptoms that made you consider low testosterone?

I work for a humanitarian organisation so travel all around the world to provide support during disasters. Having done that for 15 years, I regularly experience fatigue, tiredness, and jet lag.

In 2020, I returned from Bhutan and the entire world went into lockdown. I continued feeling tired, which I put down to the constant travel. I began to notice other symptoms, such as low libido and a lack of interest in sex. I was lacking the zip I had before. People were saying to me that I was 47 and just getting old but I knew I shouldn’t be feeling like this.

How did you start treatment?

When I started researching online, I thought it might be low testosterone. I requested a blood test from my GP to check my testosterone levels but found that my levels fell within the normal range for the NHS. They said I was depressed and prescribed me anti-depressants, but I knew this wasn’t the case. 

So I opted for private blood tests. The results confirmed my suspicions – my testosterone levels were low according to their scale. This prompted me to seek out an expert in testosterone, Dr Janine. She got me on the programme straight away and life changed very quickly. 

How did it feel when you finally got the diagnosis?

It was a big relief having somebody say, “The symptoms that you've got can hopefully be reversed over time with treatment.” Meeting a doctor who's an expert in the field was brilliant. 

She started me on TRT, and the tiredness disappeared. My energy and libido were back. I felt like a 20-year-old again. But the biggest benefit is having that positive mindset again. The libido boost and physical changes are amazing. But having a real zest for life is the winner for me. 

How quickly did you experience positive effects after starting TRT?

For about 3 months, I felt superhuman. It was great. My libido and erectile dysfunction all went back to normal within 2-3 months. Since then I’ve not had any depression or tiredness. I get up every morning thinking today is going to be great.  

Were there any surprising benefits of TRT that you weren't expecting?

Not so surprising, but my libido did go through the roof. So maybe it was a surprising benefit for my wife. I just feel young again. Remember what it was like when you were 18? I lost weight really quickly as well in the first few months. I think it was because I was able to train harder and felt more positive. I lost a lot of weight in a good way and gained muscle. 

How has TRT impacted your personal relationships and social interactions?

I think the first sign of low testosterone was the realisation that I was grumpy around my family. My kids used to call me grumpy dad and things like that. I was a different person from who I really wanted to be. 

Now that I’m on TRT, I just get on with stuff and see the positives. My wife says that our relationship is back to how it was before. Who knows how long I had these symptoms as I was writing it off as something else. I felt like me, but I didn't notice that the me that I was putting out there was grumpy, moody, and disengaged.  I just enjoy life now. It’s like having a new pair of eyes. 

What advice would you give to men considering TRT?

I tell all my friends now as soon as they're grumpy, miserable, or complaining about weight gain, get a blood test. Just go get a blood test done. Find out what your testosterone level is. Even if it says it's normal, but it's near the lower end of normal, get another blood test because testosterone levels fluctuate so much.

And if you're low, just get on the programme. It's as simple as that. Why live your life feeling miserable when you can get sorted out? And it's a gel that takes 30 seconds to put on in the morning.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your TRT experience?

I want to get awareness out there of low testosterone - let’s get the word out as it can only be a positive in men’s overall health. And if you’re low, then get it sorted. It’s simple. Life can be better. 

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