weight loss

3 minute read

How to build a routine for regular weigh-ins

By Hassan Thwaini | Medically reviewed by Sophie Kanani

Let’s talk about something we all know is important but often forget to do while on the Numan Weight Loss Programme—tracking our weight regularly. Keeping an eye on your weight is key to tracking your weight loss journey, and it provides essential data that helps you and your Numan weight loss team monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments. 

However, we understand that remembering to step on the scale consistently can be a bit of a challenge. So, here are some friendly tips to help you incorporate regular weight taking into your routine, and a reminder of why it’s necessary.

The importance of regular weight measurements

From a clinical standpoint, consistent weight tracking allows your healthcare team to get an accurate picture of your progress. This is important because it helps identify trends, whether it’s steady weight loss, a plateau, or rapid weight changes that might need medical attention or lifestyle adjustment.

Collecting regular data ensures that you’re on the right track and that any necessary tweaks to your health plan can be made promptly.

Tips for consistent weight tracking

  1. Same day of the week: One of the best ways to establish a routine is to weigh yourself on the same day every week. For instance, you might choose Wednesday mornings as your weigh-in day. By picking a specific day, you’re more likely to remember and maintain consistency, which helps in getting accurate weekly progress reports.

  2. Same time of day: To get the most accurate readings, it’s important to weigh yourself at the same time every day. The ideal time is usually in the morning, before you have breakfast and after you’ve used the bathroom. This helps eliminate variables like food and water intake, which can cause fluctuations in your weight.

  3. Link to a routine activity: Sometimes it helps to pair your weigh-in with another daily habit. For example, you could place your scale near your bathroom so you can step on it as soon as you finish your morning routine. When you link it to an activity you already do every day, it becomes easier to remember.

  4. Set notifications: Setting up a weekly reminder on your phone or smartwatch is a great idea if you have a busy lifestyle and forget to make time for the scales.

  5. Keep your scale visible: Keeping your scale in a visible and easily accessible spot can serve as a handy visual reminder. If you tuck it away in a cupboard or under the bed, you’re more likely to forget about it.

  6. Log your weight immediately: After you step on the scale, make it a habit to log your measurements straight away. Whether you keep a journal or use the Numan app, tracking your weight helps you see trends over time and stay motivated by your progress. We recommend you also log your weight onto the Numan app alongside any other app or journal you use so that our health coaches can track your progress.

How to measure your weight correctly

It can be difficult to get an accurate weight measurement given the variety of scales that are available and how they calibrate, so here’s a quick guide to ensure you’re doing it right:

  • Place your scale on a hard, flat surface to avoid inaccurate readings from uneven flooring.

  • Stand still with your weight evenly distributed on both feet.

  • Wear minimal clothing to avoid adding extra weight.

  • Try to weigh yourself at the same time and under the same conditions.

Regular weight tracking is more than just numbers on a scale; it’s about keeping a consistent record that can highlight significant changes in your health. This data is invaluable for your healthcare team because it allows them to take timely actions if you’re not making expected progress or if you’re losing weight too quickly. 

The numan take

Making regular weight tracking a habit in your day-to-day life plays a big role in your overall health journey. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help you every step of the way.
