
2 minute read

Matt's journey with testosterone replacement therapy: “It's been a real positive change”

By Joe Young | Medically reviewed by Hassan Thwaini

Many men find themselves losing the energy and mental sharpness that once defined them. For years, Matt noticed a steady decline in his sleep quality, which began to affect every aspect of his life. Instead of accepting this, Matt turned to Numan for support and guidance.

Misinterpreting the symptoms

"The main thing that I noticed for a couple of years was that I wasn't sleeping as well," Matt recalls. Initially, he didn’t connect this to a larger issue, assuming that his increasing irritability, fatigue, and mental fog were just a symptom of old age. "I just thought that this is what happens when you get a little bit older - you're not as energetic as you were when you were in your mid-20s," he explains. Like many, he believed that the gradual slowing down of his pace was simply the new normal.

Discovering TRT

It wasn’t until a friend shared his own experience with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) that Matt considered exploring the possibility that there was more to his symptoms than just ageing. But while he was intrigued, he had some reservations. "For me, testosterone replacement therapy was always associated with steroids - big guys in the gym." 

Thorough research

Before diving in, Matt did extensive research to educate himself about TRT. "I did a lot of reading up on how it would make me feel," he said. "I tried to find sources that I could trust, and took comfort in brands that I knew. That, in the end, is why I chose Numan."

Committing to the process

Once he started the treatment, Matt was prepared for the journey. "I understood that it would take about three months to start seeing the benefits," he said, acknowledging that knowing this timeline helped him stay committed. "I probably would have given up after two otherwise."

Reliable support

The process with Numan was streamlined, providing Matt with the reassurance he needed. "Every three months I have a blood test," he explained. "It’s steady and straightforward. We agree on a time and day, the nurse comes over to my house, takes my blood, and then I have a consultation with the doctor."

Regular check-ins

This regular check-in process has been an essential part of his journey. "Four times a year, I have a consultation with the doctor. We go through the results, he asks me how I’m getting on with the treatment, and reassures me that everything’s on track," Matt said. The support and validation from these consultations have given him confidence in the service. "It just has that extra level of reassurance and confidence in the service that Numan provides." 

Seeing the results

The changes in Matt’s health have been significant. His testosterone levels increased from 10.5 nmol/L to 23 nmol/L after five months on the treatment. "Now I feel better about myself," he said. "It’s nice to have that validation from a number. But yeah, I feel a lot better - a lot more energetic, a lot sharper."

Improved quality of life

The improvements extend beyond just numbers on a test. Matt has noticed tangible changes in his daily life. "I feel a lot more awake and motivated to do things. I play with the kids, I’m far less irritable, and I have much better sleep," he shared. "So it’s been a real positive change. I feel a lot happier within myself."

Advice for others

For others considering TRT, Matt has a clear message: do your research. "For somebody that’s not sure on whether they should start testosterone replacement therapy, I’d advise them to do the research. Go to publications that they trust, like I did," he said. 

The numan take 

Matt's experience shows the life-changing effects of addressing low testosterone, giving hope to anyone feeling the same way he once did.
