weight loss

3 minute read

Introducing our latest ad campaign with Ava: redefining the weight loss conversation


At Numan, we’re proud to be part of a transformation in how weight is discussed. Our new advert features Ava, a Numan patient who shares her story of navigating body image, her relationship with food, and the decision to use weight loss medication. 

Ava’s story: more than just weight loss

Like many, Ava grew up in a world that glorified thinness. Diet culture was relentless, especially during her years as a dancer, where staying a certain size was an unspoken rule. 

These pressures led to a cycle of restrictive dieting, followed by overeating and guilt. It wasn’t until motherhood that Ava’s perspective shifted. She realised it wasn’t about slimming down - it was about celebrating what her body had been through and making choices that prioritised her health.

Clinical conditions need clinical treatments

After years of struggling with her weight, Ava learned that obesity is about much more than willpower. Factors like genetics, hormones, and environment all play a role. 

With this understanding, Ava chose to try Numan’s Weight Loss Programme - a decision that was about taking control of her health and not giving in to societal expectations. In her own words, “Why should I be shamed into thinking I don’t deserve the help that medication can offer?”

Watch Ava’s story

Ava’s experience is a powerful reminder that weight loss isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey and is deeply personal. It isn’t about 'bouncing back' or ‘losing the baby weight’ - it’s about moving forward, with no shame in seeking support. 

You can watch Ava’s full story in our new advert below.
