Real people, real stories

Learn how the Numan Weight Loss Programme set these patients on the path to long-term health.

Prices from:£229.00£179.00 / month

Weight Loss Woman

See real success stories from patients who transformed their health

Learn the benefit of medication combined with lifestyle changes

Discover how continuous support and motivation from coaches pays off

Craig, 52

Craig, a DJ from the south coast of England, transformed his life with Numan's Weight Loss Programme.

Read more about Craig's story
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"My coach Amy was brilliant. She helped sort my mindset out. It’s not about taking medication forever, it's about making a transition into a healthier lifestyle. I can’t say anything other than good things about the whole experience."

Sara, 33

After joining Numan's Weight Loss Programme, Sara experienced improved health and increased energy, making it easier for her to keep up with her kids.

Read more about Sara's story
"I have so much more energy. I feel bouncier when I’m walking as I’m not dragging myself along anymore. It’s especially noticeable when I'm playing with my kids – I no longer feel slow and sluggish."

Guy, 46

Guy has been on our Weight Loss Programme for the past 3 months. He shares his challenges with weight and the positive changes he's made so far thanks to Numan. 

Read more about Guy's story
"Within a month of trying Numan and after losing some weight, the constant ache completely disappeared. It all works together as a package. The medication combined with the health coaching makes it very easy."
Since I lost the weight, I can walk miles without a break. I feel a lot happier and more optimistic.
I don’t want to go as far as calling it a miracle - but it's undoubtedly added 10 to 15 years to my life.
I've struggled with being overweight for many years, so the impact has been life-changing.
I feel a lot more confident. I don't mind leaving the house to go for very long walks. I interact with people I see even if it’s just a simple hello. The old version of me wouldn’t have bothered.
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Cravings are a thing of the past. Before, every day felt like a cheat day. Now, I go for healthy options like soups and have the energy to focus on activities I enjoy, not just the next pub visit.
I discovered an old bag of clothes and couldn’t believe how many of them fit me where I would have had no chance before. I feel amazing. I think I look much better than I ever did.


Weight loss, backed by science
Here’s what to expect from our three-part programme.

Clinically-proven treatment

Prescription medications to help control your appetite, curb cravings, and enhance your metabolism.

Ongoing clinical care

Our clinicians will help you to manage potential side effects, make dosage adjustments, and answer any questions you might have throughout the programme.

One-to-one coaching

Unlimited access to nutritionists, exercise physiologists, and behaviour change experts. They’ll give you tailored advice to establish lasting habits.

More weight loss success stories